Service Committee Update

Dear members,

I would like to take a few minutes to inform you that we have met with the company on several occasions in an attempt to reach an agreement regarding the new services starting on June 1st. We will have another meeting on June 12th to assess the progress of the service implementation.

I also want to assure you that the single bars on flight 330 should be back as of June 1st, for the YYZ base.

Thank you, and please continue to keep in touch with us.

Sandrine La Via for the Service Committee,

Contact :

Chair : Sandrine La Via

Component link : Dominic Levasseur

YUL : Sonia Pereira 2- Nathalie Poliquin

YYZ : 1- Marcus Dearn 2- Tracey King-Tomlinson 3-Julie Macleod

YVR : 1- Leanne Poon 2-Linnea Chaves